On 06-10-2009 we visited the Teak Musuem, Nilambur to attend a workshop conducted by the authorities of the Museum on the occasion of Wildlife Week Celebrations.
Students were first taken to the auditorium, where they were greeted by Sani Lookose, Curator Teak Museum. She gave a detailed lecture supported by PowerPoint presentation about the butterflies. It made the children realize about the method of classification, mud puddling, role of host plants, the menace of butterfly trafficking, their habitats etc. so our students were entering into new pristine water of knowledge. They go excited. They were also given a leaflet which depicts different burrerflies & their names.
After this a documentary film ‘ Bandipur’ was shown to the students at the auditorium itself.
Guides lead us to the nearby Bio-Diversity garden containing different types of orchids, cactus, flowering plants, medicinal plants etc. But the most important attraction is the butterfly park. Tons of butterflies were fluttering around the flowers. The students could identify them using the leaflet.
After this we bid farewell to Museum & had our lunch at the entrance point. Varieties of bamboos can be seen at this area. We returned back by train to Melattur & via bus to Karuvarakundu.