This is a programme initiated by our club members. The aims of the programme are to develop & achieve the skill in agriculture, bio-farming along with ‘earning while learning’. 30 interested students were selected from various classes. Experts from Swadeshi Shastra Prasthan lead the programme. This programme was arranged on the 22nd August 2009, at school premises.
Karuvarakundu Panchayath Agricultural Officer Sri. Vijayakumar inaugurated the training programme. Head Master Sr.Bhaskaran Master presided over the function.
In his speech, Vijayakumar told various experiences and he also stressed about the dangerous side effects of chemical fertilisers and pesticides. He offered the club members packets of seeds of various vegetables to be cultivated at their home. He also asked the club members to initiate a vegetable garden in our school.
Sri.Suresh Master was the resource person in the training. He started from the history of mushroom cultivation, its nutritional value, its economics. These aspects made the students to hear the class attentively. It was a demonstration actually. We prepared the hay by dipping it in water for more than 20 hours and then boiling it for one hour, which helped to get rid of bacteria. Then we let the excess water in the hay to drain down. Only 30-40% of water is necessary in the hay. Then the hay was rounded and put in plastic covers. The seeds of mushroom were sawn by the sides of the cover. The cover was tightened and was kept in a special room where there will not be excess light. It was hanged on the wall as it should not come in contact with the ground. It will remain so for around 20 days then we have to remove the cover.
After 17 days the mushroom was ready for harvest. It was also due to the humidity present in the room where we kept it. Usually it takes around 20 days or more. The students participated in the training programme was present during the harvest. Head Master E.Bhaskaran inaugurated the harvest. It was sold on the spot to A.Vinod Master for an amount of Rs.100/- . we expect more earnings from this crop in the coming days.
The mushroom was harvested thrice. First on the 17th day, then on the 20th and finally on the 21st day. It was sold on the spot twice and once it was given away free of charge to two club members. More than 500 gms was harvested each time. One teacher who bought the mushroom told that it was very helpful to one of his relative suffering from cancer and who is under chemotherapy. It is found that the vomiting tendency is very less when the mushroom is taken.
But unfortunately it was destroyed by some mischievous & anti-social elememtns. The threads were broken and bags were thrown out. Our hearts broke when we saw the scene. But we decided that we will take up the battle and will do more farming of mushroom after taking some protective measures. Let not our enemies win.
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