One day seminar on bio-farming techniques was conducted in the school. It was inaugurated by the Head-Master of our school and presided over by the PTA President. The papers were presented by Mr.M.N.Namboodirippad and Mr. Mohandas. As a traditional farmer and landlord Mr.Namboodiripad said that the preservation of the traditional types of seeds is very much necessary.
The loss of bio-diversity is not only in the field of seeds, but also in the field of cattle are in an alarming rate. It is the responsibility of the young to conserve these things for the future, as they don’t have any vested interests.
Mr.Mohandas, told that the growth of plants are a holistic process. Divine force is working upon such growth. So we should approach and treat them in such a way. The usage of ‘Panchagavya’ in bio-farming was described by him. He also described about its preparation.
He also made students relaxed with some breathing techniques. It made them feel fresh after such an exhausting session of class.
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